How to update all occurrences of a recurring event

From time to time, you may need to update all past and future occurrences of a recurring event, like when changing repeat schedule for all events, or simply updating the description. For instances like that, you can update all occurrences of event.

We have a small group that meets every Tuesday night. However, the description could use a little bit of help from the short sentence I started with. Let's update all occurrences of an event.

  1. Visit the Community > Events page in your church dashboard. Then, click the event on the date you'd like to remove.

  2. Click "Edit all occurrences" to edit the recurring event template.

  3. Improve the event description to something better than "Join us every week for Small Group".
  4. Scroll down and click "Save changes"
  5. You'll be returned to the Events page once your changes have been saved.

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