Church Community Builder integration instructions

In order to accurately reflect FaithStreet donation and giver data on Church Community Builder, you'll need to complete a one-time integration by following these steps.

Match fund names

The first thing you should do is make sure that all of your funds in FaithStreet exist in CCB. They should all be represented there and spelled the same way. It's fine, however, to have funds in CCB that aren't present in FaithStreet (because there won't be the ability to give online to those funds).

To view your list of funds in CCB, click on the gear (Settings) and click "Chart of Accounts".

The funds listed here should include the funds that you've set up on FaithStreet Giving. For example, if you have "General", "Missions Fund", "Building Fund", and "Activity Fees" in FaithStreet Giving, you should have these in CCB as well.

Make sure email addresses are up-to-date

It's important that your members' email addresses in CCB are up-to-date, so that when they give via FaithStreet, the correct account is updated. 

Create API User in CCB

1. Login to CCB and click on Settings, the gear icon in the top right-hand corner, and then click " API".

2. Click "Add new API user".

3. Fill out the form and create a username and password (note this information as you'll need it later) and submit the information.

4. Click on "Services" and check the following boxes:
  • transactions_by_family
  • transaction_detail_type_detail
  • transaction_detail_type_list
  • transaction_grouping_detail
  • transaction_grouping_insert
  • transaction_grouping_list
  • transaction_grouping_update
  • online_giving_insert_gift
  • individual_search
  • individual_profile_from_id
  • import_batches
  • create_individual
5. Click "Save this API User" to save your updates.

6. Note the first part of the Host URL for your church, the part before the first '"." (you'll need this later).

Connect CCB to FaithStreet

1. Login to FaithStreet and click the "online giving" tab in your church dashboard.
2. Click on "integrations", and then "integrate" under Church Community Builder.
3. Input your CCB API User username and password. The "church code" is the first section of your Host URL.


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